Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Moves, Mice, and a Master-Mistress

It's all 'Chefski's fault. 
This Fall, he started his Docta-Docta training in the City-So-Nice-They-Named-Her-Twice.  
All right. I'm just going to jump right in here. It's been MONTHS since my last post and it has been killing my soul.


Killing. My. Soul. I've mentioned this before, but when all a gal like me does is use her brain to the point of exhaustion in an attempt to produce original thought, I get restless. I want to use my hands, knead some dough, let it rise, stir a pot, and make something good to eat. But I haven't really been able to do much of that in the last few months. Yes. Months.

But I've got good reasons. I swear!

There have been moves: from Washington to Washington Heights, to Columbia and Columbia Heights, from the District to the 'ville, from the Nation's Capital to the Capital of the World.

There have been mice: One even caught by yours-truly in a rat trap, properly double-bagged and disgarded whilst wearing latex gloves

And then there was this Master-Mistress of a Semester. For those of you who don't consider yourselves Shakespeare scholars, I direct you to Sonnet 20 and urge you to investigate the meaning of this hotly debated poem. For my purposes, all you need to know is that if you find yourself teaching 50 undegrads, applying to PhD programs, and taking three classes (one of which happens to be on Shakespeare), then you're entitled to invoke the androgynous, Janus-faced image of the Master-Mistress to describe how confusing, unsettling, yet awe-inspiring your life has been.

Now that I've put all that on the table, let's get back to cooking and baking! I've got a bunch of posts I'd been meaning to write up on meals made months ago, and several treats I've been dying to make once I gain access to a clean, reliable kitchen. Stay tuned.

The GWB will always be New York to me.

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